Rogue Agent (May 2022): “Poem with Limb Loss”
Saltfront Literary Journal (Winter 2015, print): “Apology to a Grackle” and “Lycanthropy”
The Adroit Journal (August 2015): “Refusing the Eucharist” and “Thanatopsis”
Gravel Literary Journal (June 2015, print): “You Have Harnessed Yourself Ridiculously to a Mountain with No Name”
Ruminate Magazine (Summer 2015, print): “Swallowing the Body”
Best New Poets 2014: 50 Poets from Emerging Writers (January 2015, print): “After the Funeral”
Spillway Magazine (December 2014, print): “Intermezzo”
Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review (June 2014, print): “June in Oakwood, Texas”
Cider Press Review (April 2014): “Adagio di molto”
Rainy Day Magazine (Spring 2014, print): “Our Flooded Street that Summer”
Southern Humanities Review (Spring 2014, print): “Land of Enchantment”
Heron Tree Poetry Review (2014, print): “Transfiguration”
The Lake Poetry Magazine (November & December 2013): “Hercules and the Hydra” and “After the Funeral”
Diverse Voices Quarterly (July 2013, print): “Songs My Mother Taught Me”
Psaltery & Lyre (April 2013): “Boy Raised Gorgon”
Portland Review (April 2013): “Separation”
Steam Ticket Review (Spring 2013, print): “Burning Hand, Take Me Back”